Archives for January, 2013

The Endgame?

There is a considerable chance that liberals could be right about one thing – that we conservatives, in spite our quite justified skepticism towards President Obama, may not actually understand him fully. In short, we should entertain the fact that perhaps he is less of a zealous ideologue, and more of a ruthless strategist. Perhaps […]

The Case Against J.J. Abrams Directing Episode VII

I’ve been a Star Wars fan for all my life. Like everyone else, I’ve seen my favorite franchise suffer from one self-inflicted injury after another at the hands of an obsessive compulsive deranged billionaire. From the moment Greedo fired the first shot to videogame cancers like The Force Unleashed, it felt like marveling at a […]


On Tuesday, January 23, I got to do something I’ve never done before in my life. I bore witness to an official early screening premiere of one of my all-time favorite TV shows, Spartacus as it enters its third and final season, subtitled, War of the Damned. Spartacus is a New Zealand-based television program on Starz created by producer […]

Argo Dark Thirty

With the second premiere of Zero Dark Thirty in theaters across the United States, and the recent Golden Globe Awards presented to Ben Affleck for Argo, both films are, for the moment, relevant enough to discuss once again. As it turns out, these films are quite similar to one another. They are both dramatic depictions of actual American […]

Nitpicking Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Let me start by saying that Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings is not only my favorite trilogy of all time, but my favorite film of all time. These movies are just about as perfect as perfect adaptations of Tolkien’s writing can get. However, Jackson and Philippa Boyens are people too, and as such, […]

Player Signature (Dishonored)

Dishonored has received almost universal acclaim as a videogame, and for good reason; it’s quite excellent. The stealth option is rewarding, the story is engaging, the gameplay is organic, your interface is a welcome rendition of the Bioshock interface, creativity is rewarded, and it’s just plain overall fun. There’s little I can say about Dishonored […]